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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 28, 2010 10:01pm-10:31pm EDT

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and aided by pakistan which is supposed to be helping the u.s. government they also demonstrate a point u.s. senator john kerry sums up the also calling the leaks unacceptable and illegal that after nearly nine years of war more than a thousand american casualties and billions of u.s. taxpayer dollars. the taliban. appear to be strong as they have a stronger enemy means experts on policy in the middle east are calling for a stronger strategy asking for more time i think the first time we ought to do is to stick is to stop talking about twenty eleven and start talking about twenty four tane and more resources the second they want it is a big tactical hit on the taliban dr david kilcullen a counterinsurgency expert says in other words you have to do a lot of damage on the taliban before they'll be willing to talk a strategy that may sound familiar more money more troops and more time and if you
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do well there's no guarantee anything will change is it possible that this war is just unwinnable it's certainly possible the thing is we want to know until we get to the point where we begin to pull out and we see if the afghan government is sustainable it looks rather that significantly break from the one president obama announced in december and the lawmakers say they are listening many do not like what their hero now what point do we say that we camps we can't make this work u.s. senator ted kaufman not accepting the familiar strategy i'm not for spending one more dollar and one more american life until we have a conviction that we can get governance that's good enough this is not about resurrecting afghanistan with all due respect i care about afghanistan but the standard is not that we leave something better we just when the day we decide that we don't have carmen's that is good enough we should leave that day a pushback while others work to push ahead a tug of war within
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a real war with no end in sight christine frizz now r t. american war tactics in iraq are also making the news a group of researchers claim the use of depleted uranium by the u.s. might be causing genetic diseases among the local population one of the authors of the report professor christopher busby believes the health problems could prove worse than among survivors of the here often the nuclear explosion there's an enormous amount of new science which is being completely ignored by the world health organization and by the scientists who work for the governments who associated with the use of these weapons the science is changing we don't know the uranium vines very strongly to d.n.a. and causes effects exactly at the d.n.a. where you would expect to cause the kinds of health effects that we're finding the cancers and the infant mortality in the congenital malformation leukemia is all of these things that we're trying to hiroshima and nagasaki but actually here we find
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them to a much greater extent than epidemiological study the first statistical epidemiological study that looks at the children and the adults on the ground to see whether these effects are real and we find that they are real and if are not really real is very much worse than people thought we found evidence of the use of this weapon in afghanistan in lebanon and in gaza and so what we urgently need to do is to ask the u.s. military and the israelis and all the other people using this weapon to come clean about what it is but if we know what it is then maybe we can have some attempt to try and mitigate the problems that it's causing and possibly the international community might decide to ban it. and there's more to come here on our team later in the hour including resisting everything but. what is tempting the rich these days in moscow find out why won't be ex-pats are flocking to the russian capital to lead the world give him life style. hot on the stiletto heels of red had a double agent anna chapman another so-called
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a font that all has been seized in the u.s. this time with a bag full of bad rifle sights but the lawyer of the twenty four year old a latina born american citizen says the media have simply gone crazy here's a guy in a check up on it seems the u.s. can't good without a hot spy story this summer they banished any chapman now another and has entered the state also in her twenty's this time more of a smuggler than a spine and if i'm on a vote was arrested in new york for trying to smuggle several state of the art night gunsight devices into russia. she says she bought them online for her husband and his friends who happen to be friends of hunting there is no connection whatsoever between anna and. the folks there that reported back on july tenth and ne she's not a spy the government's not even saying that she's
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a spy this is just this is just the press trying to say she is the story. but to most american media she's yet another twenty something russian agent. in light of this season's spy hike every russian woman in the u.s. seems to mistreat. young maybe a schoolteacher maybe a reporter doesn't matter what you do but the allure of a russian spies there and the women are the most intriguing. movie critics say the rest of ten russian agents in the u.s. this summer was the best answer campaign possible for the latest movie with angelina jolie a russian spy story song might have come across as a little outdated but after the rest it appears fresh and new the most challenging was speaking russian very hard learned that you have all you have
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a full study of the f.b.i. could make a great gift to this movie and it's not the only one of the summer nights in date with tom cruise it's a favorite plots in hollywood but i think in the future they're going to be more comedy and some spice rather than serious drama. real life spying is no joke but when a young attractive woman enters the picture things change. i was i think what was most most readers are intrigued and amused by the other times i first order of a pretty woman. and there is this almost to me to fix asian or the mata hari sexy spot on the demand of his profile on a social networking site shows she's online but she's not responding to any media requests as soon as american police put the alleged as the patient slash english teacher under home arrest for a web page was boarded by visits she seems to be not as high and as chapman who had
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lived in manhattan and hang out with millionaires but this indiana has also earned her own spotlight with the media gani chicken r t. a father role drugs in the u.s. has blocked part of a controversial new immigration law in arizona the moves prevent police from questioning suspects about their immigration status previously the law authorized police to demand proof of citizenship for anyone arrested or detained also drop was the part requiring immigrants to carry papers at all times that's why the new development of critics say the last still supports racial profiling and targets latinos and other minorities parties do not go solves he has more from arizona. this issue is far from over this immigration law now as far as i understand the protests that were planned for later today are still about to happen but here's the interesting thing you have to wonder if this is going to just turn around and the
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supporters of x. b ten seventy some of those minutemen people who support this law they're probably going to come out and say wait a second the federal government is not enforcing it and so it's up to the states to take matters into their own hands and they're using asp seventy to say look arizona is the first to do this and now we're being overruled by the federal government now let's not forget twenty other states are already considering similar legislation so it's going to be very interesting to see what happens but for critics of the law they say that the entire law is misguided and so even if you take out certain provisions of it something still needs to be done and it still needs to be repealed totally the most controversial provisions of the law are sort of put an injunction against them as far as what happens next you know you mentioned how much media is here i mentioned that to a lot of the folks here who live in arizona will tell you that this is blown completely out of proportion. this new law has sparked
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a heated debate across american civil society professor joseph nevins from vassar college in new york says it violates people's while ted hayes a civil rights activist from los angeles argues it is not of rights. not surprising the judge blocked the judge by his sort of the most extreme aspects of the law it is a victory it's a victory first and foremost for civil rights and human rights and so-called illegal immigrants are part of our community there are millions of people who are in the united states without authorization they live in our communities they they go to the schools with their children their members of synagogues and churches they part of the u.s. fabric and they should be treated with respect and dignity and then that to the extent the blocking of this or part of this gives them a little breathing space that's a victory but it's a victory much larger war the federal government been waging against unauthorized immigrants for decades now as a black man as a west african descendant of the slaves it's
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a slap in our face because what has happened is citizens of foreign countries have invaded my country the united states of america in which i have jurisdiction even in the days when i was a slave i was on the jurisdiction of the united states and these folks are coming to my country in the name ironically of people of color my color skin color and the civil rights of legacy equating their struggle or whatever the suffering in mexico but the mother salvador career. their struggle is not to be equated with the struggle of my enslaved ancestors and emancipated forefathers for them to come into my country and take my legacy is to rob me of everything that i am and if they get amnesty then black people in this country we will die because of the numbers that are coming in this country to the to the twisting of the fourteenth amendment well i think it is right to the. somebody suggesting that there are many injustices that
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are experienced by african-american society that need to be addressed i think is fundamentally wrong. to suggest that has something to do with unauthorized immigrants being in the united states with people from mexico el salvador other countries being in the united states if he thinks he's going to. and injustices against african-americans by waging war effectively by creating a repressive climate against human beings who happen to be born on the other side of the us mexico border he's wrong and he's fundamentally misguided in the sense that he's creating the same type of race is climate. and we've got plenty more to keep you occupied on our website or just log on any time for extras on the stories we're covering and plenty of features that aren't in our regular program here's a quick taste of what's on our team dot com right now find out why drawers and president saakashvili is using to apologize after the media accuse him of making racist remarks. and discover how the shores of alaska worked playing for
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the russian empire long before the u.s. senate here. an internet provider in russia's far east has been ordered by a court to bar access to one number of websites including the popular video sharing site or you tube accusing them of hosting extremist ideology the argument was based on the posting on you tube of a nationalist video titled russia or russians other side effect of allowed users to read books of extremist content such as hitler's mind come the prosecutor who filed the lawsuit said he was acting quote in the interests of russia but the internet provider involved called the ruling absurd. these
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decisions shouldn't be taken by all of mankind is using this website and providers like don't fund. of which we're still being forced to close the website so that's how you use these. videos this is absurd but according to this note you know we have to demolish buildings that have swastikas on the or when two people are discussing a bomb over the phone we have to take away the phones from all the people across russia. the editor in chief of the private correspondent newspaper here in moscow. believes the case could have far reaching consequences. it's a big issue in so always sure it's become internationally sure it's becoming a global issue as well because basically any court can suspend access to youtube this means that you tube is not a company that can operate in russia so i think if this is this is said so you know
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on the first case basis these sets that the procedure for the user generated content web sites how they can defend themselves in court and what is you know what is the procedure to say to settle this sort of be sure and i think that you do it has been doing so much to prevent this that even the made life hell for many of its media partners for example chess board are you with a website that i'm editing we have published a video using you tube channel also we publish to be your first and as demonstrations and actions etc and so many times. our video has been moderated out of you to so many times it just telling goldstar channel and believe that you do best been very vigilant and i think it is a big setback for them that somebody still managed to bring a case against them. and now for some other stories making headlines around the
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world pakistani officials say one hundred fifty two people on board a passenger plane that crashed in hills around the islamic have died earlier reports claiming survivors had been retracted the air blue plane was flying from karachi bound for the capital an investigation is underway to establish the cause of the crash. a french couple have been arrested after police found the bodies of eight newborn babies in the village in northern france the two arrested are reported to be the mother and father of the children and are being held on charges of concealment of the dead body and reporting of a crime police using sniper dogs are continuing to search two different properties in the village. russia might not be quite at the top of the millionaire's list one of comes to choosing where to live but numbers of foreigners are moving in and among the new arrivals are c.e.o.'s of large international companies are discovered
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in the us a lot of our reports on what they find so alluring about life in russia. civita russian style the media writes about it the people talk about it and very few actually live it and a lot of those who do aren't even russian this is moscow so-called golden mile where real estate is valued at around ten to twenty thousand u.s. dollars per square meter is apartments are fitted with every gadget and have every conceivable comfort and are let to top managers from international companies who come to live and work in russia but why do they come by and large moscow's a fast paced developed city but it still lacks the comforts the expert managers are you still so what brings them here. well first of all it's the money is considered quite dangerous by most of these companies so they get paid extra just to come then as the income tax in russia is just thirteen percent compared to forty in europe the u.s.
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and of course is the glamorous life they lead here the parties the duchesse the night clubs the country clubs red carpet treatment everywhere they go who can say no to that right the latest man unable to say no e.p. c.e.o. tony hayward in a somewhat musical chairs move mr hayward will replace former. head robert dudley will move to b.p. headquarters in london the boss what benefits not just the ex-pats promotion the region you know they have entire villages built for them which if they choose to they don't even have to leave them there every whim is catered for including weekends flights back home and of course for russia this is quite beneficial as well drilling experts culture is very valued because it's to cultural growth. cultural growth is somewhat doubtful though the top managers party with the best and keely of the rest including members of the press something that in their native europe or america would not be accepted as well but here they set the rules and
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everyone else watches on trying to appear in behind the tend to their motorcades. catchiness are of moscow that brings you up to date this hour up next are americans lack of success in military campaigns that have cost thousands of lives and billions of dollars has harmed its reputation as a role model for democracy that's according to one outspoken american rap artist who believes the country's image is just a facade. it's
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not that long ago. most u.s. robbers were embracing their new popular president when. it was used. for some hip hop artist has worn away. the general studio of rap duo smith and wesson is among the few cutting against the grain in confronting issues like social injustice and government corruption. and. one of. the brooklyn born rappers sat down with our team to discuss his new album america's nightmare part two children of war for a century. people have known that the president has been the face of the corporation called america the united states. when we start dealing with the
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reality. of. this great position you know the people out of government you know and i don't think people realize that so. do you mean to tell me you don't think that. us president barack obama can change the system the system that you say is led. by the corporations of the united states in my opinion i think he may. well and i think that there are there are there are people who are going to run in this country way before brock graduate and probably thought about running for office or coming in senate on any year here and yet. but the big star interview but the reason that most so many americans rallied around him is because he promised to change that pattern he vowed to as a matter of fact in two thousand and eight i think in october two thousand and eight you put a video up on you tube a letter to barack obama where he said we need
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a president that knows how to react. we stand with you. has he reacted to any of the injustices you've seen in some forms he has because he can not stand and do nothing what we see is the media telling us how things are going so we're kind of like we're kind of calm before the storm so to speak i think that obama is a good way to keep people that day i think that his his demeanor is so great they call him the cool president you know it's like make these card the wrist exam almost like it reminds me of rap almost like you want to make this cool guy appeal to people but then the people who are there are some people that's looking at the issues and they're like they're not really happy with the performance of the president right now issues being unemployment like what we were speaking about before how unemployment among african-americans at least here in new york city is four times higher than that of white americans and there's a similar pattern like that in the majority of states throughout the country do you
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think that having a black president in office or did you think it would have changed or helped change that problem or combat the problem just the problem in a way i think that's an excellent question and i think that's one of the one of the things that i think about most when i look at the people in the community i think that people have to realize that they are the government the people who elect the government officials and i think it's important that people are informed about this is. pass the buck to give something right. so you say yes jobs. get us better health care open more schools watch it was like what we see the apollo that we have as a unified and this is our symbol of an occasion but just say that. we have to know where the power came from initially came from the people who elect this individual i think that. the need for change is what set this whole thing in motion
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and it's going on all over the world it just seems like america or the americans or american citizens are just kind of sleeping right now i don't know i don't know if they understand what's really going on in the world or how it affects affects them or affects us because on american citizens we have to remember that. america is this model for democracy you know we've become just like people in third world countries. look to america and say you know you guys are really seem like you got it together. yet it's not really together it's just a facade of you know everybody is to make up is there but behind the make up is kind of like kind of like chaotic if it's not a democracy here in the united states what is it that's a good question it's a good question. when people can speak up when they can have
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a peaceful protests. about injustices that's in a community is for something as small as from police brutality to what's going on and with the oil spill. and be active when you have the people dissatisfied what was going on with the policies then you have to wake up in the morning president obama has to we're going to morsi i what am i going to do about what's going on in . detroit or fifty fifty five schools it's called harm i'm going to deal with this like we're talking about the future that was some of the children who. economy has poisoned economy forcing us pause and jobs for a second let's talk about the opportunity for children even know when it is there is a hole in their country to create more jobs what is america's nightmare because that's what your album is called america's nightmare part two children of war right now it is america's nightmare i think america's nightmare is a mirror. a reflection of the ugliness and i think that america the beautiful like
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the heart of song goes i think that america is a beautiful place but i think that it's been covered with so much turmoil in oil so much turmoil and i think that if we shake loose we can begin to get into this. you know build a better quality of life with not such a separation is a lot of things that. obama has to face you know i'm not. totally disappointed in him i think that as a as a as a person you have to do your best job and then you working with the united states government can't you can't because it can't be easy see your message to your fellow americans i gather is open your eyes open your eyes don't sleep don't don't fall for whatever they feed you i can communicate with people. across the world so what i say has to be important it has to be helpful has to be unless i'm just an agent for destruction then i probably need to be with the rest of the spas and. blow up
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stuff. that no general thank you very much for sitting tank you is been a pleasure thank you. if something has been to the casio the wilderness of the great out is a form of. now wattie goes to central russia where the car industry is rapidly developing where history find some new life in its painting. and where american citizens can find and. welcome to the. russian close up.
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if. soon which brightened. from funds to. these firms. don't come. fifty. ft. you're watching r t since thirty of the morning here in moscow and these are the headlines security experts advise the u.s. senate to negotiate with insurgent leaders in a down the stand to stop the fighting politicians say a new thirty three billion dollars legislature to fund the surge in the country
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will cost more lives. and are jumping on the spot down the block a lot in the one woman sees with weapons parts sparks a media frenzy with americans comparing her to the the doll of the reset with russia the west spies saga the twenty four year old man also has an american citizen that has dismissed the allegations saying the high tech nine different scopes were for hunting. and a judge in russia's far east bands websites with extremist content including the top of the video inside you tube in a ruling that's already bracing news for freedom of speech in that country. now time for interview program spotlight is there such a thing as a pure russian gene that cortical the institute in moscow thinks there really is and claims to have decoded it talks to one of the scientists involved to find out what secrets could be lying at russia's genetic code.


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